If you are using this type of software for the first time, we recommend doing a dry run first. This means unplugging the adapter from the hard drive, and connect the adapter by itself to the USB port on your computer.
We can do a simple test to make sure the software and adapter are working properly. To do the test, simply connect a wire between the two left most holes (read and write ports) in the adapter plug (as shown in the picture). In this case a staple was used. |
You can download PuTTY here: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html
Direct link to the PuTTY exe file: //the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe
Once you run the exe file, the follow screen will show up:
From the default screen, select Serial as the connection type.
From the Category pane on the left, select the "Serial" option under Connection.
For Serial line to connect to, enter the port number of the usb adapter when you installed the driver (see previous page).
Enter the settings shown here. Speed (baud): 38400 Data bits: 8 Stop bits: 1 Parity: None Flow control: None
Click Open when you are ready. |
If you want to test the adapter and software, and you've connected a wire between the read and write ports (see top of this page), simply hit random keys on the keyboard. If you see the keys displaying on the screen, then everything is working properly.
If you are hitting keys but nothing is showing up, then verify the connection between the read and write ports on the adapter is good, and the software settings are correct.